1. You may not use obscene or offensive language or images, be intentionally disruptive or bully users.
2. You may not place on the site any material which is defamatory, abusive, discriminatory or hateful.
3. You may not place on the site any material which may encourage criminal conduct or which may give rise to civil liability, or which is otherwise unlawful. Additionally, you may not spoof another users username or post under an alias.
4. You may not place on the site any material belonging to any person other than yourself without the prior written consent of the owner of it.
5. Admin and Mods have the right to review, edit, move or delete any material submitted to our Online Forums.
6. Shrimp Forums USA and OneStopAquatics.com accept no responsibility for any statements, material or other submissions placed on our Online Forums by you or any third party, or for any loss or damage resulting from your breach of these Rules of Acceptable Use.